Contractors and environmental remediation firms must juggle customer expectations, meet project budgets and deadlines and adhere to regulations and requirements - all while maximizing profits.
We can be your one source for safe, cost-effective debris management whether your discarded materials are comingled or source separated.

Let Casella Help You

At hundreds of jobsites across the Northeast, Casella is the partner of choice for managing waste materials.

Our team can partner with you to...

  • Earn valuable credit points toward LEED certification through C&D diversion
  • Provide on-site support for source separation
  • Manage debris including PCB-contaminated building materials, contaminated soil, asbestos, waste (solid, hazardous, non-hazardous, universal and electronics), sludge and recyclables using the most up-to-date practices that are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly
  • Provide earthlife soil amendments to build beautiful, healthy landscapes when done
Waste Services
Trash collection and disposal. Rental, sales and service of equipment including dumpsters, compactors and balers.
Resource Management Services
Resource management best practices consulting and implementation. Detailed reporting and zero waste action planning.
Diversion Services
Zero-Sort® recycling, source-separated recycling, electronic recycling, organics, composting and anaerobic digestion.
Special Waste Services
Safe and cost effective handling of special wastes including universal waste, asbestos, contaminated soils and PCB bulk waste.